Monday 9 September 2013

Let’s Rape our Mother India

                                Let’s Rape our Mother India

Feeling offended !!! Yes, me too. You need not to take any initiative for this cause. Already many of the citizens of this nation our raping their own motherland. The people who are overground involved in this activity are politicians, police, doctors, engineers, businessperson, self styled godmen /  godwomen, teachers, students, parents, bureaucrats , govt. officials and the list goes on. Politicians don’t miss any opportunity to cash their votes. Those who are in opposition don’t let any opportunity to go to tell the innocent public, that it is currently running government who is responsible for the conditions you are living. Most of the politicians don’t show their faces once they get elected. Many of them are busy in increasing their assets as if they are going to take it along with them after their death. Doctors who are part of such a noble profession are nowadays more focussed on their own interests. They are not concerned about the requirement of patients. Even in minor ailments, patients are forced to remain in hospitals and they end up paying huge amount of money. The engineers after getting education from their country are going abroad and serving other nations which is directly affecting the economy of India. Businessman is more concerned about providing quantity rather than quality, no matter what the demand of customer is. Bureaucrats are hand-in-glove with the politicians because they feel more secured when they are serving them rather than the citizens of nation. Teacher who is considered as the source of shaping nation is lost in the world of earning money as much as possible. They are trying every possible tact they can for making money. Parents are putting pressures on their children and want their children to follow them so their vested interests are achieved. The govt. officials don’t complete any task until their palms are greased at every level in the office. The only person who is left is Aam aadmi, who comes home after the whole day work, tired and  frustrated . He vents out his anger on his wife in form of abuse, domestic violence etc. The wife in turn abuse her children. The children in turn get involved in fight with other children or vent out their anger on their poor pet. The labourers are being exploited by the big corporate companies where this weaker section don’t have any hearsay. In workplace women are harassed in every possible way ( physically, verbally, mentally, sexually ). In this patriarchal society, women are considered as commodities . Children who are the future of this nation are witness to serious crimes like murder, rape on every other day. They give a shock to their parents by asking questions related to rape, murder, terrorist attacks at a tender age of 7 yrs. These above lines are hopefully burdenizing you and raising questions inside you. Its easy to say “ All are corrupt” and then move on ( ignorant attitude ). Either we should not complain or should make an effort in whatever way we can.
They say “Its never too late”. If we make an effort to go deep into this issue we will be able to find the solutions. Once we find out the solutions, same can be implemented to make the situation better. Let us take an example of politician. We say that politicians are corrupt, but we are well aware of this fact that politicians also belong to this society. They are not landing from the sky directly. We need to understand it is the power which makes the MIND OF MAN corrupt, nothing else. The person in power when abuse it, that leads to loss in different ways. The parents are so obsessed with their children that they don’t use their mind to work in progressive way. The teacher use its mind to suppress the students , which further weakens the mind of students. The politicians play the mind games with innocent public. So it is clear that Mind is the main player in this world. The mind is best servant as well as bad master. It’s upon individuals to decide whether they want to be servant of their mind or master of their mind. When we all will start using our mind effectively (positively ), whether at individual or group level, it will definitely bring a positive change in society. It will help in reducing the crime rate, corruption in different segments. This will strengthen the economy of nation, which can be used in welfare of public. This will also eliminate the need of raping our own nation for our vested interests.

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