Tuesday 24 April 2012




Please give me my smile back
Its located on top of the rack
Whenever i am near you
I always fear you
I had forgot to smile
Just in a while
Whenever I try to smile
My tears starts flowing like a river Nile
Instead of backing me, you make my fun
For me you are nothing more than dangerous gun
You always let me down
Whenever I dream to have a crown
Long time has passed, the day I smiled
It was like whole happiness had piled
But now I forgot to smile
I forgot to laugh
On my face there is always a scarf ( Cover)

Monday 23 April 2012




Nowadays, Vacancy  is the most searchable word
This you must have also heard
There are number of vacancies in number of fields
When applied in these fields, the benefit from them yields 
Some seats are vacant in offices
Some seats are vacant in hearts
For every kind of vacancy there is an advertisement
Which always comes with a fixed agreement
No matter, vacancy is for job or heart
But if it goes from hand,it gives a shock of more than fifty watt
Keep on applying for vacancy
Even if it is for nancy( any girl )
Each vacancy will give you something
 Which is always better than nothing.